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Friday, February 1, 2013

Better Than Being a Libertarian: Networking With Them

Gaining Value from Conferences Beyond Education

[Originally published at The Stateless Man website]

This weekend, approximately 650 people flocked to the Mises Institute "Circle" in Houston, Texas. 1,200 also watched online, to better understand the “Current Crisis" from an "Austrian Perspective.”
The event included big names in Austrian economics, such as Joseph Salerno, Robert Murphy, Thomas Woods, Lew Rockwell, and Ron Paul—and I am willing to bet that Ron Paul drew a large portion of the audience. They focused on economic issues, often comparing and contrasting the Austrian and Keynesian perspectives.

Embed video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=INvKPYdTs3E.

Without doubt, most people at the event were already familiar with the case for free markets and had read books from the Austrian school. The people at the conference also have access to YouTube and can watch Ron Paul speeches and interviews. So, why did my friends and I drive 11 hours from El Paso, Texas, to attend the Mises Circle? What is the appeal of such an event?

I cannot speak for all the people at the conference, but I can share my own reasons for attending the event and those of the people traveling with me.

Ever since I attended the Young Americans for Liberty National Convention in Washington, D.C., in July of 2012, I have become an enthusiastic liberty networker. Libertarianism is on its way to becoming a mainstream ideology, but in the meantime there is nothing more exciting than meeting other libertarians. Who wouldn’t enjoy traveling miles and miles to be surrounded with like-minded individuals?

Okay, maybe that’s just me—but let me attempt to persuade you. Imagine a scenario where you do not have to spend a large amount of time explaining how smaller government is ideal. Instead, you can spend time conversing the nuances of liberty face to face. It is a sobering experience. For instance, do public universities have the authority to ban co-ed dorms? Honestly, who cares?

But that’s the beauty of libertarian gatherings. You can care. You can discuss things you would never have the time or opportunity to discuss elsewhere, because you do not have to spend time explaining the basics. It may seem trivial but sometimes talking about the details helps us better understand the bigger picture. Anyway, it is this intellectual environment that draws me to travels miles and miles.
Many friendships were made at the YAL National Convention, which opened up the possibility for future networking, as well as internship and job opportunities. Two of my new friends, Noelle Mandell and Caitlyn Bates (both Texas State Chairs and SFL Campus Coordinators), also strongly encouraged me to attend the Students for Liberty Austin Regional Conference. They provided me with the details of the event and offered free student lodging, making it very inexpensive for YAL at the University of Texas at El Paso to drive out there. For those of you who are unfamiliar with the size of Texas, it takes approximately 8 hours and 13 minutes to drive from El Paso, Texas to Austin, Texas, so it’s not that simple to just get up and go. The goal, though, was to provide the YAL UTEP Chapter with an intellectual environment worthy of replenishing them with enthusiasm (the presidential election was disheartening for many). A bonus, even though it was not planned, was witnessing and experiencing the bonding that took place amongst my chapter members. This happened as a result of driving for 9 hours together, obviously. Once we were back home, enthusiasm and commitment towards our chapter’s goals was greatly enhanced. 

Soon afterwards, our chapter was invited to the Mises Circle in Houston. I did not have to ask twice for this event since Ron Paul (a hero to most 20-something libertarians) would be speaking at the event. The weekend in Houston proved to be a great time. There was not too much networking during the formal Mises Circle, since the format lent itself to listening and partaking in the Q-and-A with the speakers. However, I did get my books signed by Lew Rockwell, Tom Woods, and Peter Klein. I also got to take a picture with Ron Paul, Tom Woods, and Bob Murphy.

The networking took place later, during the Freedom Forum, put together by Noelle Mandell (nominated for SFL Student of the Year). This event was aimed at getting students across Texas to share experiences in advancing liberty and proposed projects. Afterward, there was a social gathering hosted by Houston’s Liberty on the Rocks, which involved playing pool, enthusiastic karaoke singing, and conversations.

The best part about this particular trip was reconnecting with friends. I found that my first libertarian convention was a bit nerve wrecking because I did not know anyone that would be there. However, I made the decision to fly out and make new friends, which was probably one of the best decisions I have ever made. It may be difficult to start a conversation with a complete stranger, but the advantage of attending a libertarian gathering is that at least you know you agree about the scope of the federal government (with the exception of anarcho-capitalists).

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