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Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Do politics, or politics will do you!

Some people don't mind being a sole product of their environment. I do mind. But don’t get me wrong; I am aware of the large role environment plays in shaping personality. However, I am also aware of the immense role our mind plays. Therefore, I am not amused by the apathy, denial and neglect shown by so many citizens, including some of the smartest people I know. Why is it cool to be indifferent? Why is it cool to only care about things once everyone else cares about things? Why is it important to be up-to-date with the latest fashions? Why are the details of a celebrity’s life so important? Why is a concrete reward necessary to motivate people to do something? Why is our society extremely superficial?

Well, it goes back to my original thought. Nowadays, most people allow their environment to shape what they think, believe, trust and care about. With all do respect fellow citizens, use your brain, turn off your television, and pick up a worthy book. I don’t care if you disagree with me about certain topics. In fact, I like debating people who disagree with me on nuances regarding our liberty because it polishes my views and helps me keep an open mind. I am using liberty as an example because I do not personally know a person that espouses tyranny. There are many perspectives regarding liberty but liberty itself is pretty simple. Liberty is freedom and independence; everyone should have a right to live according to these ideals.

Yes, I understand there will be subjective differences regarding what liberty entails. But it is fun to discuss. I am still shaping my personal beliefs regarding the government’s role regarding discrimination and related topics. But one thing I will never be swayed about is letting Obama off easy for signing the most obvious “Big Brother” provisions to the not infamous enough National Defense Authorization Act [1]. This legislation is obviously attacking our liberty, regardless of our personal beliefs. This is why every single person in this country is outraged and no one will be voting for Obama come November, right? Wrong.

Apparently, people are okay with indefinite detainment without habeas corpus or due process of law. How scary does the legislation our government officials pass have to get for people to start protesting? Oh wait, that is also illegal per the Federal Restricted Buildings and Grounds Improvement Act of 2011 [2][3]. I suppose that is why no one is protesting. It makes complete sense that people would not want to risk going to jail for knowingly or unknowingly protesting in an area where there is Secret Service protection. Not to mention you might be sentenced to jail for 10 years if you are carrying a “deadly or dangerous weapon,” which I would not take so lightly since nail clippers and tweezers are not allowed on airplanes.

You have to understand that the harmful legislation being proposed, including SOPA, PIPA and CISPA [4], is beyond vague and will allow for all sorts of dangerous interpretations. This type of legislation can be interpreted in any form necessary to punish someone regardless of whether he or she actually poses a threat or is just speaking out in disagreement with what our government is doing. I do not blame people for not protesting on the streets. I know I do not have the time or energy and it is just not my style. But there are other ways. Spread the word or become involved in local politics. Even simpler, do a little research over the Internet about politicians, and do not support or vote for politicians who endorse legislation that takes away our liberty. I am a lot more concerned about what they are doing over at Capitol Hill than in the Middle East. Do not get me wrong, there are some dangerous people in the Middle East but I think we should be more attentive and fix the problems we have locally (i.e., Washington D.C.) instead of letting ourselves be fooled into giving up more liberty in exchange for supposed safety.

Anyway, remember what good old Pericles said a looooong time ago? It was true then and it is still just as true today. Goes something like, “Just because you do not take an interest in politics, does not mean politics won’t take an interest in you.” But I also like the more modern version, “Do politics or it will do you.”

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