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Saturday, September 1, 2012

Where should the Ron Paul Revolution go after the RNC?

Where should the Ron Paul Revolution go from here? I have often said I would write in Ron Paul if he did not win the Republican nomination. My rationale? When else would I get the opportunity to vote for such an amazing person that I agree with on almost every issue? Now that I am faced with reality, I am not so sure that would be the wisest move.

It is Ron Paul himself that made me realize governments are not supposed to tell us what to do. Individuals are perfectly capable of being autonomous and living out his or her own life. I am not an anarchist because I believe government does have a role. Its role is to protect our life, liberty and property. Simple. See, the reason Washington is so corrupt is because it has so much power. Lobbyists lobby because they have something to gain. If they had nothing to gain, why bother? “Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.”

Anyway, there is speculation amongst the liberty movement about where we should go and what Ron Paul would suggest for us to do. What does our wise leader suggest? That’s a good question. As Ron Paul has said many times, “Do what you want.” If you want to write-in Ron Paul, then do it. If you want to support Mitt Romney because you think four more years of Obama will be detrimental, then do it. If you want to vote for Obama to spite the GOP, then do it. If you want to vote for Gary Johnson to make a statement or because he is the closest candidate to your political philosophy, do it. It would be inconsistent of Ron Paul if he were to tell us what to do next. And we all know he is Mr. Consistent. As liberty minded individuals, we need to make up our own minds. We are all free to do what we desire. However, I would like to point out that going in separate directions will definitely not help us move forward. That’s certain.

What am I going to do? I have decided to look into Gary Johnson because this movement is about our liberty and Gary Johnson sympathizes with the message. Ron Paul did an amazing job of delivering the message to masses of people, but the movement is not about him. I have nothing but respect and admiration for Ron Paul but I know that voting for Gary Johnson will help me send the message I want to send, which is that I am not content with either Obama or Romney.