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Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Election 2012

My thoughts on election 2012 are mixed. 

For one, I am happy that it’s over. I'm not a fan of either Obama or Romney, so I don't feel elated or miserable (as indicated by many fb pots). I disagree with both of them on a lot of issues. 

First of all, Obama and Romney both support the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA)! I sound like a broken record bringing this up in most of my blog posts but it is sort of a big deal. I am still shocked that many people do not know about it or simply feel apathetic about indefinite detention of American citizens without due process of law. 

Moreover, neither of them address the unsustainable student loan debt. They both want to provide more ‘aid’ for college students. Taking out student loans to pay for a college education in a horrible economy is a bad idea (but I won't go into that here). If Romney and Obama actually care about college students, they would say something smart. For example, talk about how student loan debt is unsustainable. Financial aid has driven up the cost of college tuition because there is no incentive to keep tuition low when the government is subsidizing the cost (for the meantime). This makes college less affordable.

Also, neither Obama or Romney care to end the War on Drugs regardless of the fact that it is a complete failure. Not to mention, citizens are beginning to realize that marijuana is actually a good plant that can be utilized for medical purposes. Colorado and Washington stood up to the Feds and legalized marijuana for recreational use! Yet, both Obama and Romney refuse to address this cultural shift in thinking. Not that popular culture dictates what is right or wrong, but you'd think politicians (especially these two) would support popular stances. Popularity aside, marijuana is not even that bad of a substance. Obviously, there are powerful machines lobbying to keep marijuana illegal at the federal level. 

I also disagree with both of them on foreign policy. So, even though Romney is more of a war hawk than Obama, I am certain the wars will continue under the Obama Administration. FYI, his administration expanded war and has used more drones than any other president. Not to mention, Obama also has a kill list that includes American citizens. Obama is only marginally better than Romney on foreign policy (that’s not saying much). 

But an issue that really upsets me is immigration. Romney takes a backward stance on immigration. He actually spoke of ‘self-deportation,’ as if that were actually doable. But at least Romney impractical 'solution' is obvious. Obama pretends to be a friend to immigrants. So annoying. In reality, his administration has deported a record number of illegal immigrants (i.e., he has deported more illegal immigrants in his 4 years than Bush did in his 8 years). So, when he talks about the Dream Act, I can't help but hear a hypocrite. The Dream Act is temporary and hardly addresses the problem at hand. Sure, it's 'nice' (liberals like nice things) but not even close to what he should be doing. Especially, considering how many Hispanics look up to and admire him because they think he's pro-immigration. How about a practical immigration policy? In a free society, such as in the U.S., business owners should be able to hire anyone he/she wants to regardless of age, sex, or immigration status. I bring this up because that is the primary reason immigrants cross over illegally. They need to find work and are willing to work at anything to accomplish that. The role of government should be to ensure that the immigrants who are coming over are not criminals (yes, that includes terrorists). Also, this is the humanitarian way to approach immigration because it will stop unnecessary deaths in the Sonoran and Chihuahuan deserts. Allowing immigrants to come over with a work visa will help minimize worker exploitation because the process would be transparent. This includes workers that come over here to do the jobs most Americans refuse to touch. It will also attract professionals from around the world and create healthy competition in the workforce. When there is competition, prices go down and quality goes up. The consumers win. 

Anyway, the good thing about Obama winning reelection is that I can look forward to a liberty ticket in four years, such as Rand Paul & Justin Amash. There is a fiscal cliff nearing and if Romney had won, people would have further reason to blame free markets for the horrible economy (even though Romney is not a true free market advocate because he believes free markets require regulations). If the economy is still subpar (to say it nicely) and unemployment remains high, I doubt people will still believe it was because of Bush. God help us if they do. 

I do hope the best for President Obama and I hope our economy does get better. I would obviously like a healthy economy and strong workforce since I will graduate with my master’s this coming spring. Ahem, I want a job so I can stop being a ‘pretend adult’ and so I can begin paying off my student loan debt. 

So, liberals, conservatives and libertarians may have their differences but I know that we all want what is best for our country. We just have different solutions for achieving our shared goal. Obviously, I think my way is the right way or I wouldn't promote it so intensely. The bickering can get intense but humans will be humans... and that involves emotions. 

Anyway, our country because it was founded on maximum individual freedom. I love that notion and continue to promote it. Even though we have lost a lot of our freedoms, we are still amongst the freest societies on the planet. Hence, the reason I am not in jail for constantly criticizing Obama and Romney, amongst other politicians (though, I am convinced I am on some sort of list). 

I will stop here because I do not like long blog posts. 

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