I reach out to you today as a concerned U.S. citizen. I have
not always been politically involved, but as my yoga instructor says, “We have
to start somewhere, because if we don’t… we’ll get nowhere.” I understand that
it is much easier to be apathetic about the political mess that exists today.
But as Americans, we should value and treasure our freedoms because someone fought
and/or died for us to enjoy them.
For those of you who know me, it is no secret I am a Ron
Paul supporter. I do not consider myself to be anti-Obama or anti-Romney.
However, I would like to address some of my concerns about the aforementioned
candidates and the current political system.
I am going to start with Obama simply because he is the
incumbent. First of all, I have one very good reason not to vote for Obama this
coming November and it is Section 1021 of the NDAA. Obama is apparently okay
with the indefinite detention of American citizens without a trial. He said
that he wouldn’t use the power, but the truth is that he has already ordered
the killing of American citizens without a trial before he signed this provision! That point aside, does he think it
is wise to grant the executive branch (1 person) the power to indefinitely
detain U.S. citizens in a foreign prison without a fair trial? I recall Obama
speaking about the importance of habeas corpus and due process of law in the
last election. Didn’t he speak about closing Guantanamo Bay, too? That’s still
open. Didn’t he speak of bringing the troops home and ending our aggressive
foreign policy? Well, the troops are home but why do we still have contractors
there? Why did we build an embassy larger than Vatican City if our goal is to
leave? Why did he expand wars? I think these are valid questions and
hopefully they make you think twice before voting for him. If you think Romney is
the answer to Obama, I beg to differ. Romney has openly endorsed an
interventionist foreign policy and is on record saying that he too would have
signed the NDAA.
Candidates on both sides lie through their teeth. The Democrats say they protect personal freedom, advocating
for same sex marriage and free contraceptives for women. The Republicans say
they protect entrepreneurship and economic freedom, advocating capitalism. But
does either party act according to their supposed principles? Our president,
which is a Democrat, signed indefinite detention into law. Let me get this
straight, I can marry whoever I want and receive free contraceptives, but I can
also be indefinitely detained if I am perceived as a threat. How is that
protecting our personal freedom? It is almost like being offered an oxygen tank
for your lungs in exchange. With regards to Republicans, many of them supported
the bailouts despite the fact that they say they believe in free market
capitalism. That is inconsistent with free market principles. In a true free
market, government does not interfere at all. So if a corporation fails, you
leave it alone and the market will correct itself. If you bail out the
so-called “losers,” there is no end to the cost. And who is left with that
cost? The taxpayers. It is better to hold people accountable for their actions
because they will be more careful with their decisions. The “crony capitalism”
or “corporatism” that we’ve seen in the past several years is not capitalism. Moreover,
were you aware that Goldman Sachs is a major campaign contributor for both
Obama and Romney? That’s probably a good indicator that the people making those
types of decisions at Goldman Sachs really don’t see a difference between the
two candidates, and will be okay with whoever wins. I wonder why that is.
So, where am I going with this? See, there’s this
congressman from Texas named Ron Paul and I want you to look into him. Remember
Obama’s admiration for the Constitution and peaceful foreign policy talk in the last election?
Well, Ron Paul is the “Champion of the Constitution” and has been speaking out
against our aggressive foreign policy for thirty years. If you like Romney’s
praise about the private sector and free market, Ron Paul voted against all the
bailouts, predicted the housing bubble collapse five years before it
happened, and has been advocating a free market for the past thirty years. How
can we know that Ron Paul is not just saying these things like the other two
candidates? How can we know Ron Paul is different? At the risk of sounding
redundant, Ron Paul has a consistent, pristine record backing him up.
So I ask you, are you voting for Obama because you’d drop
dead before voting for a Republican? Are you voting for Romney because he can
supposedly beat Obama? Are you choosing not to vote because you dislike both
options? I am here today to tell you that you do not have to compromise
yourself by voting for the person you perceive to be the lesser of two evils.
We have a GREAT candidate. We have a genuine, authentic person running for
office this presidential primary, which is probably a once in a lifetime event.
Thanks to him, I was able to vote based off on my principles and beliefs. I
hope you will look into him via YouTube, or even better, read his books
“Revolution: A Manifesto,” “Liberty Defined: 50 Essential Issues that Affect
Our Freedom,” “End the Fed,” and “The Case for Gold.”
I hope Ron Paul’s genuineness becomes apparent to you. Maybe
you won’t agree with him on all issues, but I assure you he will make you
rethink a few things. I truly believe that Ron Paul’s candor is a rarity and
great start towards restoring our Republic. Give his ideas a chance. I did, and
it revolutionized the way I see the world. This movement has been termed the
“Ron Paul r3VOLution” because Ron Paul has the ability to cure the apathy felt
by so many U.S. citizens nowadays. This revolution is rooted in love and propelled
by ideas. This revolution emphasizes individual liberty. One exception to maximum
individual liberty is when one individual infringes on another individual’s
liberty. So, you cannot murder someone because, aside from it being wrong, you
are infringing on that individual’s right to live. Ron Paul said it best, just
because you endorse freedom does not mean you endorse what people do. I can
accept that people have the freedom to make their own choices, whether I agree
with them or not (e.g., drug abuse). However, just because I believe it is
their right to make that choice does not mean I agree with their actions. I can
advise them to stop, but at the end of the day I cannot force that person to
listen to me. Free will is a human right and it is what distinguishes us from
all other species on this planet. The fact that we have the freedom to make our
own decisions is what makes our good behavior virtuous.
Finally, I want to briefly mention that I was very touched
by something Ron Paul’s wife, Carol Paul, said the other day during a radio
interview. She said that Ron Paul should be relaxing and enjoying his
grandchildren at this point in his life. So, why is he running for president,
enduring all the stress and drama that comes with running for office? According
to her, this is a message that is engraved in his heart. Ron Paul is a firm
believer that once you become aware of wrongdoing, you have a moral obligation
to do something about it. That is exactly what he has done and continues to do.
What will you do?
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