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Sunday, November 3, 2013

What about government genocide?

Power, wealth, honor and pleasure only provide finite happiness, which is why they leave us wanting more. Where is the majority of both wealth and power concentrated in the US? Washington D.C.
Why does this concern me? Because the US government is bloated, continues to grow in size, and is pretty much inefficient and creepy. Also, governments have a consistent track record of aggressing and oppressing. In a monarchy, Henry VIII beheaded two of his wives for unjust reasons. In a democracy, Socrates was executed for a petty crime.
Mistrust of government is not paranoia, it is rooted in evidence from the past. This is why it is irritating for me to see that many people today place an overwhelming trust in our government. The NSA doesn’t spy on us to keep us safe, it spies on us to keep the government safe. If Obamacare was so good, government officials wouldn’t exempt themselves from it.
And not to be a downer, but what do the worst 3 genocides of all time have in common? They were all government caused.
"Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely."
1. The Great Leap Forward & Cultural Revolution in China
(1949-1976) - 100 million killed
2. The Stalinist Era in the USSR (1929-1953) - 60 million killed
3. The Holocaust via the Nazi Regime (1939-1945) - 11 million killed